Editor: SysIQ conversion funnel and free web site ROI Calculator provides e-commerce and retail managers with an online ROI calculation tool providing valuable ROI information about possible return of investment prior actually changing your e-commerce website:
*identify areas for optimization
*establishe attainable goals for revenue and profit improvements
*justify website investment
*increase e-commerce website conversions with SysIQ conversion funnel
When it comes to making design and usability changes to their website, e-commerce managers typically base their decisions on imperfect metrics, anecdotes, and historic sales and site performance data, which can include unusual occurrences unlikely to be repeated. This process can create Fuzzy math, rather than fact-based Logic and financial data that projects improvement and the return on investment from each change to the site. Measuring ROI will be much easier when using our online roi calculator. Increase ROI for your multi-channel online retail business.